Give Us a Call Today952-890-8146

BSM: Quality


Driven By Quality

At BSM North America, we take pride in our high-quality products, services, and processes. Utilizing advanced technology, BSM can create a control plan and develop testing fixtures to fit your needs. All of our inspection equipment is calibrated to the highest standards and utilized by our highly trained technicians.

Whether you need steering components or complex machining, you can count on BSM to deliver the highest standard in quality. We do this through time tested industry expertise and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. Our team will ensure your needs are completed with quality and durability at the forefront.

To speak with one of our qualified engineers about our machining and fabrication services, contact BSM North America online, or give us a call at 952-890-8146. We look forward to working with you!

Fast Turnaround

Our team works diligently to get you the OEM products and manufacturing services you need as soon as possible.

Forward Thinking

We’re always working to develop innovative OEM products and solutions, customizing every piece to the customer’s unique needs.

Made in America

With BSM, every step of your service or product development happens right here in America!

Solution Based

When your OEM machine or client has a need, BSM North America has the solution! We’ll provide quality service and products.